
Rothamsted Research open days

It's the Rothamsted Research open weekend coming up, and there's been a distinct holiday mood permeating the centre this week. There's been days of cleaning labs and making sure dangerous chemicals and glassware are out of the public's reach (our lab is being used for exhibits so it's open). A lot of yesterday was spent setting up displays and posters, and some fantastic interactive displays have been put up, especially by Bioimaging.

I've been drafted in to help out both days on the weekend, just generally manning stands and explaining (or trying to) the science to the public. Luckily, I've been mostly let off today, which is when there are groups of school 'children' (14-15 year olds, oh dear) being shown around. I'll spend the afternoon going round and looking at the exhibits whilst I have the chance. So stay tuned for more photos and more details!

'still life of rotting fruit'

People still trying to work
