
Three questions you should never ask a final year PhD student

Anyone who is over six months into their PhD knows not to ask these questions.

1) How's lab-work/the project/work going?

2) When are you planning to start writing up/submit your thesis/graduate?

3) What do you want to do after your PhD?

If you do have the misfortune or stupidity to ask these questions, make sure you have a) lots of tissues, b) lots of comfort food, c) hidden all the sharp objects and, in extreme cases, d) be ready to intercept said student before they attempt to dash their brains out on the nearest table or wall.

2 則留言:

Shawn Tan 說...

You missed something:

4) Didn't you actually start writing a few months ago?

5) What do you think about (insert any keyword that is even remotely related to their field of study)?

sammeilee 說...

I could actually think of more, but three is a nice number to stop at. Otherwise the bitterness and bile comes across too strongly.
Other favourites are:

6) You've been in Cambridge HOW long? /You mean you're STILL there?

7) Plants have viruses? (my field of study)