
China 5.12 earthquake strips (by Coco Wang)

My friend forwarded me a link to some comics strips depicting some of the human stories from the days directly after the 5.12 earthquake in Sichuan, China. The comic strips are simply drawn, but very touching, and very moving. The stories tell of the bravery and determination of the rescuers and people who sacrificed themselves to protect others. Although reports of the devastation and massive rescue efforts, these individual struggles really went home to my heart.

The panda story made me laugh though, especially after the tears I'd already shed.

The aftershocks of the major earthquake in May are still vibrating through Sichuan. The aftershocks of all the deaths and damage caused will carry on vibrating through millions of people's lives through this generation and the next. Let us not forget not only the losses, but also the bravery and love of the Chinese people.
