
spoke too soon

It turns out that the end of the light of the tunnel was really just the headlights of an on-coming express train.

I've been trying to put together the figures for my *first* paper (yay). It's a mix of my work and some results from a PhD student who finished last year. My supervisor's writing the main bulk of the paper, which is good because it saves me time, but he's assumed we have images and figures that we don't have, which is BAD. We have the data and some of the photos, but they were meant for our own records and not of publishable quality. The other problem is that the previous student's thesis is a nightmare to trawl through, there are so many different plant lines and he's laid out the results for each experiment in a slightly different format each time (why oh why?!!!) .

Some of these issues I need to bring up with my supervisor, but in true traditional supervisor fashion, he sent me the rough draft on monday and then disappeared for the week on tuesday. I need to give him a mock-up of the figures at the start of next week, and there's been no word from the previous student in response to my cry for help (and data in a more sensible form).

At least I'm lined up to be joint first author on this paper, rather than the second author I thought I might be. But it's a hefty amount of work I need to do to get it.

2 則留言:

Dan 說...

oh no.. i dunno which is scarier, the amount of work you've got or the fact that i know how u feel right now!

ok most definitely the amount of work.. but... arrggh

sammeilee 說...

Throw in the thesis I'm supposed to be writing and you get a sense of the panic I feel whenever I let myself dwell on it. But I don't let myself. So that's ok. I think. Maybe not, but tough.