
My response

Answers to the previous post....

1. Unfortunately my toilet seat doesn't stay up. So mind you don't get a rather severe circumcision.

1. Watching sports on tv does not count as being sporty.

1. Try carrying all these bags in these heels and then tell me it's not a sport.

1. Don't do anything that might make me cry then.

1. If I ask for what I want, are you going to pay for it?

1. Don't phone me when you get man flu then.

1. Have you ever wondered why I only get a headache in bed?

1. Here's the deal - YOU wear the Victoria Secrets get-up for a day, and THEN I'll consider it.

If you like to camp, how about camping in the garden for a week?

4 則留言:

Shawn Tan 說...

err... toilet seats do stay up, unless someone pushes them down. :D

sammeilee 說...

well actually I was talking about MY toilet seat, which doesn't stay up. The yelp that my friend gave when he came to visit and used my bathroom was quite comical, from a girl's point of view :D

Shawn Tan 說...

ouch!! your toilet has issues..

Dan 說...

1. Unfortunately my toilet seat doesn't stay up. So mind you don't get a rather severe circumcision.
separate toilets. easy.

1. Watching sports on tv does not count as being sporty.
every team needs its 12th man. adidas said so.

1. Try carrying all these bags in these heels and then tell me it's not a sport.
there's no competitive aspect to it... maybe they should say 'who can carry the most things' or 'who can walk the fastest in heels with 5kg shopping bags'... or even better: don't wear heels!

1. Don't do anything that might make me cry then.

1. If I ask for what I want, are you going to pay for it?
only if you pay for mine

1. Don't phone me when you get man flu then.
too sick to talk, how to phone? (actually i've not gotten flu in years so i can't actually remember how it was)

1. Have you ever wondered why I only get a headache in bed?
that's cuz you like doing it upside down?

1. Here's the deal - YOU wear the Victoria Secrets get-up for a day, and THEN I'll consider it.
oooh this sounds really kinky