
Blogging and singledom

Just a random observation - after flicking through my friends' blogs, I've noticed a general common denominator. All who update their blog regularly are currently single. Now, I hesistant to draw a link between the status of blogger and singledom, but I guess those of us who are single might have more time to spend on the computer typing and less time fixing the latest hole in the 'wok'. Also, blogging is a way to make our thoughts known about issues that are bugging or interesting us at the current moment. There's only so many random emails you can type to your friends (even bestest friends) without generating a reputation of strangeness for yourself. Having said that, most of my good friends (and several of my undergraduate students as well) already know that I make random observations about almost anything, and have heard me rant on at various times on issues I care about. What else are friends for?

You can blog about anything, your views, your day, people who annoy you, be as random as you like. Other people can either choose to read an entry or or ignore it, and they don't feel obliged to think of something appropriate to say in return. But if you want an opinion you might also get one. Simple therapy without the hefty bill at the end! However, as part of a couple, your partner might be the one you call or email everytime you think of something you want to chat about (and if they have too many opinions you're not happy with they may no longer be the other half of your couple). Maybe that's why my single friends are bloggers, but not many of my attached friends.

And of course, if you're in a relationship, you may not want them to read about everything you think of in the day. Unless you don't let them know you keep a blog. Or you're training to be a diplomat, in which case it'll make for good practice.

1 則留言:

Shawn Tan 說...

Blog therapy sits right next to retail therapy for me.. d: Retail therapy is good too, even if you don't end up actually buying anything.. Just the time out is good, I guess..