
the next step

So it looks as if I'm finally going to stop being a student sometime in the near future. I'm ready to write my thesis, get my PhD and leave university. Next step is to look for a 'proper job' (albeit one in research, so not in the real world at all) and look forward to filling some of the holes in my bank accounts.

So why is it now that I'm catching up with most of my friends who are already out there working and earning money, I find that they've already moved on?!

Whilst I'm looking for jobs, they're looking at properties to buy, venues for weddings, names for their children. My oldest friend is having her first child this month, another friend is buying a house and getting married next year, and even my best friend from university has just been house-hunting at the weekend.

I've been getting more and more wedding invitations over the last few years, so it's not exactly out of the blue. But generally they've been from friends a few years my senior, not from friends who are a couple of months older than me.

It looks like I need to pull up my socks and get on with things.

But I wish I liked wedding cake. I'll be eating a lot more of it.

3 則留言:

Shawn Tan 說...

Awww... don't worry, you ain't missed much (particularly in the current economic climate).

PS: I'm finally ready to submit my thesis but my computer died! Hoping to get my data off it soon and submit my thesis!

sammeilee 說...

Congratulations for finally finishing!! Ha but it's definitely Murphy's law that your computer dies at the last moment. So how are you going to get it printed and bound?
Let me know when your viva date is, hopefully whilst I'm in the UK,

Dan 說...

wedding? haha sam you are well on your way there :P

me on the other hand...