
To wed or not to wed?

Relationship-wise, it almost feels as if an ultimation’s been delivered to a subset of my nearest and dearest. There have been an avalanche of engagement notices and ‘save the date’ messages. The wedding invite count for next year currently stands at 6, although there seems to be a bit of uncertainty about the dates. It seems that weddings are now planned over a year in advance, probably to give you enough time to change your mind. If you want to get married the year after you become engaged, it appears that you need to be good at ringing people up and wrangling a hotel/cook/priest that can host/cater/officiate at your wedding.
There have also been a few new arrivals amongst my family and close friends, who have definitely stolen my heart and brought me over to the type of person who can sit patiently looking a little baby for ages on end (But I’m not having one myself yet – I still prefer babies that can be given back to mummy when they get cranky). I’ve also taken to browsing the baby clothes and toys sections in shops. As I know quite a few of my cousins have been doing the same, these must be the best dressed babies ever.

Some friends have swung the other way completely – relationships that appeared to be rock-solid from the outside have broken up, in a rather sudden way over the last few weeks. Some of the friends from whom I might have expected wedding notices have instead just broken up. You can never tell though, from outside a relationship, what is really going on inside. Hell, you can be in a relationship and still not have any idea what will happen next, or what the other person really thinks. It would be a lot easier if we could sit down and review relationships every few months, with a printed agenda so that important matters aren’t forgotten in any shouting matches that might ensue. Something like;
  1. Apologies for absence of (him)/(her) from family dinner/wedding/funeral
  2. How well and how far relationship has progressed since the last review.
  3. Aims for the next 6 months – next step? (move toothbrush/clothes to his/her flat; co-habit; get engaged; marry; have baby(s); break up; leave for another man/women/other) – delete as appropriate.
  4. Her complaints and views
  5. His complaints and views (ordering of items 4 and 5 to be determined by drawing straws/volume of voice/ability to cry/power of fist)
  6. Brainstorming of ideas to deal with issues brought up in items 4 and 5.
  7. Summary and conclusions
  8. Date of next meeting (if appropriate)

Note: Participants should come re-enforced with chocolate/alcohol/tissues/blunt weapons as needed. Also, if aim for next 6 months is to leave for another organism, it is probably best to end the meeting then and re-adjourn at a later date.

It isn't very romantic and there will still be lying, but anything that might ease the course of 'true love'?

5 則留言:

Shawn Tan 說...

You are sooo doomed. Biological clock sounding the alarm! Haha! Do you implement your 8-step plan? It most certainly sounds good - if it can be put into practice.

sammeilee 說...

Haha not to worry, my biological clock isn't ticking away noisily yet. That's the advantage of having so many babies around, I play with them, amuse them, and then give them back to their rightful nappy-changers when I'm bored. I've heard them cry enough to be grateful I don't have one of my own yet.

As for my '8-step plan', unfortunately it's a clear case of albe to direct but not able to follow my own suggestions. I generally have no idea what's going on in my mind, let alone what other people are thinking.

Dan 說...

i'd rather climb everest than get married.

sammeilee 說...

But then, you would probably climb everest anyway, if you got enough mad people to go with you

Dan 說...

that's true. do you know of any?