
How to prepare a pineapple

Pineapples are really cheap at the moment ^_^!!
First, take your pineapple and slice the top off.
If your knife gets stuck halfway through the cut, wipe it, sharpen it, and try again.
Slice off the 'tail' at the other end, making sure you remove any off-coloured parts. Sit the pineapple up on the cut tail end, and cut the skin off in strips from top to bottom. Like so -

Keep going until you've gone round the whole thing. Go back and make sure the green parts and most of the brown 'indents' in the skin have been removed. Don't be stingy! The green-white parts are a bit drier and generally not very sweet anyway.

If you find your tongue or lips are a bit sensitive to the enzymes in the pineapple, you can soak the pieces in mildly salty water for a couple of hours in the fridge. This inactivates some of the enzymes. Just rinse before you eat. I like to eat mine chilled, but allowing the pieces to warm up slightly makes the pineapple taste sweeter.

And this is how a pineapple grows from its parent plant (if you don't live in tropical climes, there's one growing in Cambridge Botanic Gardens (UK)

1 則留言:

Dan 說...

this is such a cute post!

and i also learnt a new word! i didn't know 'inactivate' was a word!