
Nightclub research

In case you don't read either the Daily Mail or The Great Beyond, the Nature journal blog, a 'scientific' paper on 'Evidence to suggest that nightclubs function as human sexual display grounds' has recently been published. I kid you not. Their findings suggest that males are supposed to approach females in nightclubs, rather than vice versa, while females dress provocatively to attract said males. And here I was thinking that girls dress (and I use the term loosely here) in skimpy miniskirts and boobtubes for the good of their health. For example, to increase blood circulation, in a 'kill or cure' manner.

Although I dress rather conservatively, i.e. normal-fitting t-shirt and jeans, on the few occasions that I go to a nightclub, I always seem to get dodgy-looking men trying to dance with me. Thus I normally go with (rather less dodgy-looking) male friends who can be relied on to rescue me from these unwanted attentions. I guess the dodgy ones are the ones who have been rejected by the better, or more 'sexually-suggestive',-looking women.

Anyway, if you want to follow the discussion on the Nature blog page, which promises to be extremely entertaining, here's the link.

3 則留言:

Shawn Tan 說...

Must have been excruciatingly painful research work!

sammeilee 說...

I wonder if they had to wear sound excluder headphones because the noise in nightclubs must surely be above H&S regulations

Dan 說...

hahaha sam i think i have seen pictures of these incidents on your facebook photos :P