
One of Jackson Pollock's works. Illustrates the state of my mind lately.

My motivation levels have hit about minus ten million lately. That includes the lack of motivation for lab work, for keeping up with the latest literature for my field, for socialising with people, ringing up friends, cooking, eating, etc etc. I have about 5 or 6 drafts for blog topics on the go, only, I lack the motivation to finish writing them. And then I have to delete large chunks because the news references I've made are very out of date.

I even went to the Fitzwilliam museum to wander around the gallery and get some inspiration. Normally that never fails, especially if I then go back and do some sketching or painting. But for quite a long time now, the feeling of calm and control I draw from my art has eluded me.

However, it appears that my ability to complain and moan has not.

PS- no comments needed. The writer for this blog will recover shortly, probably after being given a big kick up the backside and a gag. In the meantime, the editors offer their sincere apologies for the extended lack of quality in the material currently on display. Hopefully abnormal transmission shall resume shortly.
