
silver linings

These last few weeks have been rather rough. Apart from everything else, I've been disappointed and saddened by some of my friends.

But despite that, or maybe because of it, I've come to realise that sometimes old cliches are true, and that there often really is a silver lining if you look hard enough. I've found out how many faithful friends I also have, those who have rallied to my defence and listened patiently to my long-winded rants. Somehow, when I see someone become angrier and more defensive than I am myself on my behalf, I feel better for their concern. A pushover I may be, but I am a much-loved pushover. ^_^

It's true that it is only in the face of adversity that you learn who your true friends are. Sometimes they are close confidantes, but you can also be surprised at how many friends you have amongst those you thought were 'only' acquaintances and colleagues.

When strangers rally to the aid of those affected by natural disasters, or work together to rebuild lives, of course we wish that the clouds were not there in the first place, but the silver lining shines out clear and true. How lucky it was that hope was left in Pandora's box. If we weather the storm, maybe there will be clear skies waiting for us on the other side. In the meantime, at least we know we have friends and kind-hearted souls to keep us company.
