
Round 2: Democrats vs Republicans

So the Democratic Party have finally got their presidental election candidate, and Clinton is finally out of the race. They took their time about it! Now the Democratic party can start concentrating on the general elections instead of fighting it out between themselves.

I'm curious as to how supporters of Hillary Clinton will vote in the autumn. How much damage have the Democratic campaigns done to voters' confidence in their party and/or their confidence in Obama? Whilst Clinton and Obama have been 'battling it out', the Republicans have had the advantage of campaigning as an unified force, and preparing themselves. Whist the Democratic candidates have been telling people why NOT to vote for their opponent and casting doubts onto the other's ability to govern, McCain has been telling them why he will make a good President.

Over the last few decades, the issues that people and governments have had to worry about have been of an increasingly global scale. Gone are the days when 'strong' countries ignored everyone else and felt secure in their own insular environment. For one thing, it is less clear which are the 'strong' countries and which are the 'weak'. The balances of power are more evenly distributed now. People are in general also more aware of what is going on in the wider world, and more concerned. Global warming, substainable resources, epidemics, world poverty, terrorism, these are being flagged up more and more.

In times like these, it's hard to say which way the scales will tip for Obama. He's young, has idealistic views, and can be said to represent a new direction for America. Things are changing in the world and as such, flexibility and a fresh outlook can be a major advantage. On the other hand, in times of change, people also look for stability and experience. Will Obama be able to convince people that he has the necessary strength and leadership skills?

The next few months will show us how well the Democratic party can work together and forget their differences as they support their chosen leader. Otherwise, it's hello to another four years of a Republican US government.